The next chapter in the life of a needlework and nature enthusiast who finds herself a "semi" empty nester.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It is Tuesday...
Yesterday I mailed one of my stitched gifts and will be putting an exchange in the mail soon too. Other than that, not much stitching occurred yesterday - more visiting with other hockey moms at the rink...all the buzz right now revolves around upcoming tryouts, the coaches of the teams and "who is going to tryout where". And while I do participate in these discussions, it is really sad when you think about all the rumors that get started with this kind of chatter. It is also how kid sports get "messed up"...for this should just be out the kids and the parents just need to really "let it go". But, we all want the best for our kids...
Speaking of kids...has anyone out there seen "My Sister's Keeper". WOW what a tear jerker! I didn't only have tears streaming down my face, but I was actually crying (bawling). I didn't read the book, but knew the just of the story (although I was told that the ending in the book is different than the ending in the movie). Just incase you are planning to go, I will not ruin the story for you...but just remember to bring a HUGE box of tissues! The next movie that I want to see is called Julie and Julia - based on the story of a lady who cooked every recipe in Julia Child's cookbooks and blogged about it. I don't know if this is the "real" Julie/Julia Project blog but I did find a blog with that title and talks about cooking through the books...I haven't read it all, but thought I would soon.
Well...Just thought I would post a post today...Hope everyone is doing well and remember...
Live, Love, Laugh...and Stitch often! Lisa
Sunday, June 28, 2009
What 'cha been doing?

The mail person adorned my mailbox with the August 2009 edition of the Cross Stitcher Magazine. The Christmas Stocking in it is very cute - but for those last minute 4th of July projects there are a couple of very nice patterns, as well as some other fun projects that I will probably put some sticky notes on as possible projects/gifts from others.
Stitching Update...I have been working on a couple of L*K exchanges. The first one is a personal (one-on-one) exchange with Heather (Stitch in Tyme) We set a due date of July 1, so I will be getting this in the mail to her soon and will post a formal photo after I receive the word she received it. It was a fun colorful stitch and finish...I hope that she will like it. The other is for the "official" L*K Exchange and is due August 1. I am about 1/2 done with the stitching of the design, because I wanted to have some time to think about how I want to finish this for my exchange partner - maybe trying something new. However, I have put this aside temporarily because I wanted to do a little something to surprise someone - so I started this new project because I need to get it in the mail tomorrow. So lots of exchanges going on.
After sending the Friendship Sampler RRs down to Karen in AZ on the 16th of June, my house has been without an RR. I miss having a heart to stitch the end of this month...yet it is nice to be able to focus on other projects for a while. Several of the members of this RR has been enjoying weddings, graduations and other wonderful family activities; some have been travelling and some have been dealing with the unfortunates of the the email box has been a little light with communication, but reading their blogs they are all doing well. Again, it is amazing how this type of activity - Round Robins, Exchanges and Blogging can bring some of us together! It really has been a positive addition to my life!
Update on household life...DH has been very busy at work lately with meetings, early morning conference calls and late night projects. The boys started their day camp last week. Robert is a junior leader (which is a wonderful program the Rec center has) and is volunteering at a preschool camp a couple days aweek as well as a half day camp with older kids (K-5 grade). Matthew is attending the afternoon camp (which Robert is a jr. leader far no problems). While the boys are at came from 1:00-5, I take that time to go into work and put in a few hours there.
Background info re: my job (skip if not interested)...I don't know if I wrote about my job, but I work part-time at a manufacturing company in the Marketing and Communications department. I have been there a little over 3 years - it has been the perfect job for my life as it is very flexible - allowing me to set my own hours with the only request that once set I am committed to be there. In the summertime, my hours change to reflect the summer camp hours - going in in the afternoon. At the end of May, my boss was laid off - so now I report to her boss who is in our UK office (I have been given a Blackberry so she and I can communicate when it is morning here and before she leaves for the day in the UK). I won't bore you with any more detail, but I thank my "lucky stars" everyday for this wonderful job.
This week I will not be going into work because they are shutting the office for the holiday week as well as for budget reasons (and because of being part-time-no pay for me). But the boys will still be attending camp, so I will get the afternoon to get some things done without them. DH and I might even schedule a date during that time...which would be nice to have quality time with him! However, the boys still have their hockey clinc...
Hockey...we have one more week of this clinic the boys have been attending. It is the one which is 4 days a week and this is week 6. It has been a great clinic for them - they have definitely developed new skills on and off the ice and had a lot of fun doing it. But getting everything organized and driving the 45 minutes each way and sitting there from 5-8 gets a little old. But like I said, this is the last week of this clinic. Next week we will not have any hockey to run off to...but then the following week (July 11-5) they both have a "tune up" clinic.
"Tune Up?", you might ask. Yes, while my boys have been on the ice without much down time - not all families do this much spring/summer hockey (and some do way more)...but tryouts for Robert is July 17, with the Bantam AAA (13-14yr age group). If he goes through the weekend and doesn't make this team, then he trys out for the Bantam AA the following weekend and so on. Matthew's tryouts are not until last weekend of July.
Well, if you made it this far, I give you a lot of kudos because this definitely got a lot longer than I had originally planned. All the boys are down at hockey...I have made plans to go to see "My Sister's Keeper" with a friend this morning (I'll let you know my thoughts tomorrow).
Thank you for visiting! Hope your weekend is going well and you are able to stay cool if it is hot outside, dry if it is raining and warm if it is cold!
Remember....Live, Love, Laugh and Stitch Often! Lisa
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

In California we have 2 things here that we, mid-western transplants had to learn about- earthquakes and fires. This scene took place on the hillside right by our hill...but don't worry, this is what we have learned is called a "controlled burn". There is a training facility for both police and fire. Every year, the fire"men" use the hillside to learn how to set and put out fires. The first year we lived here (6 years ago) this startled us...nothing like looking out your bedroom window and seeing a lot of black smoke. Now we know.
Sorry for the quick post...but just wanted to share this with you before running the boys to camp and me to work! Lisa
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day - a tribute to all the men in my life!

Father's day in our household is all about the father - but the father goes to take the boys to their hockey scrimmages/practices on Sundays - so I have the house to my self (Ya-hoo...I am just luv'n these Sundays!). However, because we knew the weekend schedule we did do a Father's Day family meal yesterday - drove to the local farmer's market again and purchased some fresh green beans, corn on the cob, beefsteak tomatoes and fresh French Bread. Once home, I threw some chicken breasts and fresh Halibut on the grill, steamed the beans & corn, sliced the bread and tomatoes. And we all sat down for a family "gratitude" meal. (side story: after the 911 incident, we started having a special meal where we all would sit down together and say what we were thankful for and then enjoy the food together. We enjoyed this meal every Friday or Saturday night for several years, but due to work/school/hockey it becomes hard to make time for - so when we do have these meals that truely are special and something to be thankful for)....the photo above is dated back to May 24, 1999.
After lunch was over and the kitchen cleaned up, we went to see the movie UP. It was very good - funny, tear-jearking, sweet movie. I did cry several times...the old man in the movie reminded me of my grandfather who past away on Christmas Eve 2008 and the love the he and my grandmother have/had (she is still with us and is as spunky as ever). It also made tears come to my eyes because I feel that this is the love that my DH and I have...and as I looked over at my 2 wonderful sons (age 13 and 10), who are growing up way to fast, I gave a little "thanks" for being blessed with a wonderful husband...who is a wonderful father...I feel truely blessed that I can share this life with my best friend and soul mate.

However, before I leave end the Father's Day post...I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day to all the other men in my life:

Happy Father's Day to a man who taught me so much, but I didn't realize it until now. Your constant support and love is always appreciated but now always acknowledge...I hope you know, that while we haven't been in the same city to celebrate, I love you very much!

Happy Father's Day to a man who has always supported us...from the day Steve and I met and began to date to the present. You are truely loved!
To my grandfather...Papa Dan,
Happy Father's Day to a man who was so caring, giving and loving. I know that you are looking down on all of us up there in Heaven, supporting and guiding. You are truly missed! I love you! (random photos from my grandma & me, middle: grandpa & me, bottom: grandma&grandpa and me)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
PS Exchange made it across the ocean!
The pattern I stitched is from Book 137 - Summer Breeze. I used the DMC colors it called for. I stitched as per the pattern, except for the lines that separated the small squares - it was suppose to be backstitched, but I decided to to 2 lines of xstitch. I think that I used a 32ct evenweave, but don't remember exactally. I finished it as a pillow (this was my first pillow finish, too, using my new sewing machine). Since I forgot to stitch a piece with my name/initials and the date, I attached a tag I had designed several years ago. All in all, I was very pleased with the way it turned out and I hope that Elisabeth enjoys it. The photos I took of it included the Orchid plant I got from the hockey team back in May at the year-end team party. It is still alive after a month (yahoo).
This was my first completed of my goals for 2009 was to sign up for an exchange and complete now I have. And I am very pleased with the way this has gone and very excited that my first one was with someone who was outside of US, as it makes it more "exciting". Those outside of the needlework community, who have never heard of exchanges or round-robins, were amazed that I was stitching something for someone I didn't know and sending it off to France. But what I like about exchanges allows me to stitch things and then give them away to someone. I know that I do this for my family, but they don't always find enjoyment in my stitched pieces as someone who stitches themselves and has more of an appreciation for the amount of work that goes in to it. I have now signed up for the 3rd Round of the PS Exchange and will be finishing a couple of L*K Exchange pieces for mail date of July 1 and Aug 1.
Today is day 4 of Summer Vacation...the boys and I are enjoying quiet relaxing mornings. Around lunchtime we typically run a few errands and then it is hockey in the evening. On todays list of errands...Robert will need to turn in some paperwork for his Jr. Leader/counselor position he is doing at the city camp starting next week. He is too old for the camps, but too young to get a the city has this wonderful program where they take "volunteers" to staff "junior" positions, helping out the counselors. In addition, this program also educates the Jr. Leaders about the job finding process...teaching them about writing resumes, going through interviews, writing a "thank you" letter after the interview, filling out job applications, taking responsiblity for their own schedule & communicating to their leader when they need to change the schedule, and then there is an exit interview at the end of the summer. It is a great program. In addition, there are leaders who have gone through the program themselves when they were in middle school and have been hired as soon as they were old enough for camp conselors and other positions with the city recreation program throughout the year.
Hope all is well with you.
Take care and remember: Live, Love, Laugh and Stitch often! Lisa
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Friendship RRs in the mail...

Whew! That is done and they are both on their way to Arizona. Now I turn to a L*K exchange I am doing with Heather (a one-on-one/personal one). I have the L*K design chosen, the threads & fabric all ready to go...and an idea in mind for the finish. When I am done with this, then it will be time to start another L*K exchange piece for my secret exchange partner. So I will be in L*K heaven for awhile! Her pieces are fun, quick and colorful so this will be very enjoyable. These are the perfect pieces to stitch while sitting in the hockey rink, which I have been doing due to a clinic the boys have been going to.
The hockey clinic is 6 weeks long - 4 days a week. That means driving 40 minutes down to San Jose - arriving there at 4:45pm so that Matthew can get into his gear for his 5:00pm ice time. While Matthew is on the ice, Robert is in the weight room. Then around 6:45, their groups switch places and we are on the road back home around 8:15pm. To make the 3 or so hours go by, I have been going to the track which is across the street from the rink and walking for an hour. Robert has lent me his Nike+ipod attachment - one part is in my shoe and the other is attached to my ipod. This keeps track of the speed & the time that I walk. It is pretty cool. Walking gets me through the first 1/2 of the time we are there, the other hour or so I sit in the restaurant which overlooks the rink they are skating on and I it is the best of both worlds!
We eventually get home around 8:45pm - about the same time DH has been getting home from work because he has been prepping for a board meeting. So, upon arrival at home by all we have an opportunity to catch up on the days activities we all have done...before it is time to "hit the hay" so that we can start over again the next day. The good news about the hockey clinic, is that we are at the halfway point...only have 2 and a half weeks left!
We have been on summer vacation for 2 days so far and really have just enjoyed the time at home, especially since our late afternoon/early evenings are consumed by hockey. And, since the boys' camp doesn't start until next week, I have been staying home from work, which has made it nice too.
Thank you for visiting...I will not bore you any further...until next post:
Remember Live, Love, Laugh and Stitch often! Lisa
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Summertime is here...and new stash has arrived too!

Mother Nature hasn't decided that it is summer yet - as we have been starting the mornings here with a heavy cloud cover/foggy which comes in from the bay and sometimes doesn't burn off until early afternoon. The temps have been in the mid-60s to 70s. It really isn't too bad and I shouldn't complain, but thoughts of going to the pool next week aren't too exciting with cloud cover. Maybe things will change by Monday.
On the stitching side of things, I have been focused on stitching my Friendship Sampler RR and will be re-introducing that into the RR mail cycle. As I have been putting the finishing touches on my hearts to start this piece again, resentment creeps into my body when I think that my first RR is sitting in someone else's house (I have used the word "hostage" to explain this situation previously)...but as I will be putting in the last few stitches of the first hearts over the weekend, I will be able to "let go" of the resentment especially when it is all packaged up and on its way to Karen (the recipient of all my mailings for this RR). After my RR and Karin's RR are in the mail, next on my stitching list is to work on my L*K personal exchange I am doing with Heather - which is due in the mail on or before July 1. I have some ideas after reading her "wish" that will be my start next week!
Well, I haven't been a saint when it has come to stash dieting lately. After 2 trips into my "not-so" LNS (one was Mother's Day, so I shouldn't count that as I believe that I deserved this gift, right?) and a couple of orders from my stash has grown. However, some of the items I definitely needed - like the thread and patterns for the personal L*K exchange and the "big" L*K exchange . But is it is hard to rationize the other items I guess: both are from Little House Designs and have a watermelon theme. I eat a lot of watermelon - in fact at our local Safeway grocery store, they know me as the watermelon Lady. So, once I saw these I knew that

Anyway...first up - finish the RRs and get them in the mail. Next, work on Heather L*K exchange...then I should take out Hockey Rivalry (UFO) and stitch on that a little. Well, my plate is full so with that I will sign off now! Hope everyone has a good and productive summer weekend!
Remember - live, love, laugh and stitch often! Lisa
Friday, June 12, 2009
Pittsburgh Penguins win the Stanley Cup
Watching hockey gave me a good opportunity to stitch! I have been working on my Friendship RR -and just about finished with my hearts so that I will be able to get it back into the mailing cycle of the RR! yahoo!
Well...time to go put the boys to bed. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Lis
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A finish...for a teacher gift

Designer: Lizzie Kate
Pattern: "Teaching is a Work of Heart"
Fabric: Navy Blue 25ct Linen
Thread: Various DMC Varigated (chose my own color scheme)
Finish: I finished it as a little pillow and created a beaded hanger, which I attached at the corners. The charm says "follow your heart" on one side and "live, love, laugh" on the other.
I really enjoyed stitching this and finishing it. I hope that she likes it.
On another stitching note...I finally sat down and took time to restart my Friendship Sampler for the RR. I need to get my heart stitched on it so that I can get it re-introduced into the cycle of the RR. In addition, I do have an Karin's RR to stitch over the weekend to get in the mail as well...both are due to be sent by the 15th.
Have a good evening! Lisa
Monday, June 8, 2009
Beginning the week - the last week of school and other updates
But it is the last week of school and they are excited - as I am for it will be good to have a change.
The weekend was nice and relaxing, starting with Friday, which is normally a day off for me from work. So, since I did put in about 20 hours Mon-Thurs, I definitely took it off and spent the day catching up on "me" time (exercise and xstitching) and then got the yard work done and a trip to the grocery store to stock up for the weekend at home. It was nice to have a weekend without stressing over any school projects (they are done for the year). In fact, Robert (old son, 7th grader) commented that this was the first weekend since the end of April where he didn't have to do any projects or homework and he could relax with the family...but then he said, after playing on the computer for awhile, he didn't know what to do with himself. My other son, Matthew (younger, 4th grade) could sit infront of the computer playing games all day long. Sitting in front of the computer is what these boys did including DH on Saturday. There is this on-line civilization game they play, which includes other from all over the world. They were set to battle a city and take it over, trying to accomplish that in the morning until the computer system lost connection (due to over excited Robert, who kicked the cord out of the wall). Saturday afternoon, followed by more relaxing and napping before watching the Detroit Red Wings beat the Pittsburgh Penguins for the 5th game of the Stanley Cup (hockey). Sunday...the DH and boys were at hockey practice from 7-2:30 - so I had the house to myself...
What did I do during the computer marathon on Saturday and the quiet Sunday morning. I stitched! There is a free pattern I printed from the DMC website (they have the best free patterns - unfortunately I can't find the one I have been working on at this time). The DMC project uses light variation & varigated floss and is a picture of flowers in a vase. Just as I was about to finish it off, thinking that it might be a year end gift for one of Robert's teachers who has been very supportive of his hockey travels all year - I didn't think that the pattern captured who she is very well (she just isn't a flowery type of person - more into sci fi and histroy) so I pulled out the Lizzie Kate "Teaching is a work of heart" and worked on that for most of Sunday. Almost done and will have a photo of that later in the week as well.
Anyway...that was my weekend. Sorry I don't have any pictures to show, only the stories to tell right now. I hope this week brings much happiness and promise to all out there. Thank you for reading my blog and I promise to have some photos by mid-week.
Remember - live, love, laugh and stitch often! Lisa
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Who are the happiest people on earth? A craftsman or artist whistling over a job well done. A little child building sand castles. A mother,after a busy day, bathing her baby. A doctor who has finished a difficult and dangerous operation, and saved a human life. Happiness lies in a constructive job well done. Get your happiness out of your work or you will never know what happiness is.
We have been accustomed to thinking that we have to get something from outside us in order to be happy, but in truth it works the other way: we must learn to contact our inner source of happiness and satisfaction
and flow it outward to share with others--not because it is virtuous to do so, but because it really feels good.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Received my first exchange
I haven't taken time to look and see from which Prairie Schooler design it is from...but it is very cute and finished perfectally to sit on my nightstand in my room, which has a country feel. I don't know if this happens in most exchanges, but I was also her partner (she hasn't received my piece yet, so I hope that I didn't break any rules by writing this). So, now according to the rules, I wait until my gets received before I can sign up for the next round. In the meantime, I need to start working on my 2 Lizzie Kate Exchanges and getting my RR restarted - so my stitching platter is comfortably & enjoyably full :)
Other notes of Life: The boys have 6 days left of school - and now with all major projects done the light at the end of the tunnel is getting stronger - YAHOO! However because of this hockey clinic they are participating in, we don't get back home until 9pm and by the time the hockey bags get unpacked, boys shower and any last minute-before bed activity takes play it is 10:30 or 11pm before I get to bed. I am not quite a late night person, especially when I try to make a 4:30am wake up call to get my exercise & "me" time. Today I slept in...oh, well, guess I needed to do that. Yesterday my "new" boss was in the office...she was my "old" boss's boss until she was laid off last week. My "new" boss works and lives in the UK, so she flew in yesterday so that we could discuss my job description and how we will communicate due to the time differences. Basically, the job discription pretty well matches what I have been doing just has been enhanced with opportunities to work directly with other employees and outside vendors - all within my part-time/flexible hours. So, I am excited about the possible growth in my job and with the company, while maintaining my family life as a major priority.
Well, time to get the day started - get the boys up and going for school and me for work. Tonight DH gets home from his business trip in Atlanta. It will be nice to start the weekend tomorrow with everyone home again! Have a great day everyone and thank you for reading my blog!, love, laugh and stitch often! Lisa
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Happiness and lessons from a best friend
For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don’t enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are you’re not going to be very happy. If someone bases his or her happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris , that person isn’t going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness.
Andy Rooney
Hello everyone. I just received the above quote in my email in box and thought I would share it with you. It was a good reminder for me this morning - to enjoy moment, to take time and "smell the flowers", to smile back at my smiling boys; to be grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, the clothing on my back, the health of my family and so on.
I have a very best friend - we have been friends since we were 14, we met and only saw eachother once a week at youth group through out our jr. high and high school years. We never went to the same school, never lived in the same neighborhood or city - but kept in contact via phone, snail mail, and three years ago added email to our line of communication. We talk every week and email almost everyday. We have been together and supporting eachother through the "first kiss" to engagements to weddings and marital discord; we have supported eachother through pregnacies, births, the first step and now dealing with teenagers. My best friend has always started a phone conversation with a "can't wait"..."I can't wait until my kids are out of school for the year so I don't have to deal with homework." "I can't wait until my temporary job is over so I can get more of my housework complete." But I have noticed in all the 27 years we have been friends, when that milestone comes she isn't happy, in fact she is already forming new "I can't waits". Everytime we visit with eachother, it is a good reminder to live in the moment, to find enjoyment no matter how small it might seem and be grateful - that is the road to happiness.
Well...I will get off my soapbox for the morning. Sorry to be so deep for a Wednesday. I am grateful that you stopped by today and hope that you have a happy Wednesday., love, laugh and stitch often! Lisa
Monday, June 1, 2009
Summary of completed projects from the weekend
On the "stitching" side of things (my favorite part): as posted on Saturday, I finished my PS exchange. I downloaded the photos I took of it, which I will save & post after I hear that the recipient received it. Saturday, I made it to the UPS Store in order to get it in the "airmail"

Another "happy dance" that I can report is a finished heart on Diana's Friendship Sampler RR. She included floss in the colors of her choice and had marked each with their coordinating symbol (i.e. converted the DMC chart with her color selection). The heart I chose used an overydye of a lavendar/pink combination with more pink showing. In her instructions, she requested we "do not stitch more than 5 stitches in a row...making a block design in the heart". While the color changes in the floss I used was very subtle, I could see the blocks. This design stood out more in the hearts which used an overdye with color changes that were more drastic. I enjoyed stitching on her Friendship Sampler and very happy with the way my heart turned out. In fact, Diana's sampler is really growing with hearts and love from all the hands that touched it! (You can see how her sampler is coming along and a photo of the heart I stitched...the pink is really not showing through very well as the heart has taken on a more purple tone...that is the camera's fault).

Saturday, after the stop at the mail store, Matthew (younger son) and I drove to Hockey X which is the best and largest hockey store in the Bay Area...located in Oakland. Post season, usually means time to get new equiptment and the earlier in the spring/summer we get it the more broken in it will be before tryouts for the next season (which is mid-July to early August). The g

And...since we were already in Oakland, we drove a little further into the East bay area to my "not-so" LNS (which is more of a LNS when at the hockey I had a list with me of the fabric and thread I needed - restart my Friendship Sampler RR (new fabric) and start a couple of L*K exchanges (the thread) - so I didn't expect to be there very long, which was good news to Matthew's ears. Needle in a Haystack does have a little corner of toys and videos for kids to entertain themselves, but I knew that he really didn't want to be there. By having a list of the colors I needed I was able to put him to work finding them (kind of like a treasure hunt for his mother). With fabric and thread in hand, we checked out and walked down the main street through the farmers market and purchased some french bread to nibble on while we drove home. It was a nice early afternoon for Matthew & also gave DH and Robert a chance to get some of their work completed before we got back home.
Sunday, was the day I got Diana's RR done...also had a quiet house from 7am-2pm when all the boys were at hockey practice. Even took the opportunity to get the bathrooms cleaned. So, it is now Monday - and I start a new week as well as a new month. But I will stop here, thanking you for your visit and your patience of this long summary of my weekend accomplishments! I hope that you have a great start to your week and remember....
Live, Love, Laugh and stitch often!