I stitched "Cross-Stitcher in Residence" by Lizzie Kate using the majority of the colors the pattern called for, except for the door, which I substituted with the same color as the roof (the door color called for matched the fabric and I just didn't like how that was looking). Also, I attached a silver star where the heart button was suppose to go - for there is a "star" living in Angela's house.

Now all of my exchanges I have completed and sent have been received. It is really a good feeling to be involved in an activity like this! In addition, I am enjoying assisting CindyMae by being a model stitcher for some of her designs that she is creating. I just finished another one last night and it really is cute.
With that finish, I spent sometime last night organizing the two Friendship Sampler RRs I have in my house. First, I will be adding my heart to Simone's. I have a DMC varigated red picked out, my heart chosen, a working copy made of that area - so I will work on that today and hope to have it complete sometime this weekend so that I can also add my heart to Ann's...I would love to complete these and be able to send them on their way to Karen; but don't want to promise, just incase life gets in the way over the weekend.
The other stitching projects on my "to do list" is my PS Exchange (mail date: Sept. 1; I have everything kitted up ready to go...this will be my next project after I finish the RRs)...then it will be time to organize my Mary Wigham. I received my fabric from NiaH earlier in the week and have downloaded & printed out all nine sections, so I just need to sit and determine the color scheme. Oh, yeah...I still need to finish my sister's anniversary gift too.
It is interesting how quickly a hobby can turn into something that has a "to do" list. However, as long as it doesnt' invoke stress, I think that it is ok. Stitching is something that brings me happiness; it is a good method of relaxation for me and a great outlet for my creativity. Nevertheless, it is alway a good practice to do a "reality check"...for if this hobby and passion becomes stressful, a "have to do, and/or a task - then I will need to re-evaluate all the things I sign up for. However, right now it is perfect - and I am enjoying everything that I have signed up to do!
So may your passion for needlework continue to bring you much happiness and enjoyment!