It is Friday - Yahoo! Always a nice thing to hear. I have the day to myself, but have to pack things up for a road trip. I am going to Los Angeles with Matthew for a hockey weekend. We are leaving after he gets out of school and will head on down. LA is about 6-7 hours south of here and not a bad drive as long as we don't get stuck in traffic. We should miss the LA traffic by the time we get down in that area...I hope.
Well, one more week of my part-time job - last day is Dec. 15. Yesterday, I spent most of my time at the office going through file cabinets and shelves, making the decision on what should be kept and what needed to be trashed. It seems that once I am gone that area that I have resided in will totally be torn up and rearranged. So while I am feeling a little sad that this chapter is coming to an end, especially since my cubicle is looking pretty bare...with all the cubes around me getting cleaned out and torn down it really is kind of depressing. Oh, well I guess while all GOOD things come to an end, more GOOD things are to come for me and for the company as they continue to grow...and have a really good person hired to replace me!
Yesterday, I received a surprise at boss, who works/lives in the UK and will not be able to see me off next week, sent me a little going away gift...
A new needlework bag and matching needle/scissor holder - a going away gift from my boss, Rachel |
Rachel found the perfect gift - a needlwork bag and a matching needle/scissors case. Isn't great! Of course I took it home and filled it up immediately with ALL my stitching projects: Family Sampler, Mary Wigham WIP, and a few other little projects that I am planning to start one of these days. Let's just say it is stuffed already :)
Thank you so much Rachel!
I love it and will always remember my experience at Hexcel and our working relationship.
It has been such a wonderful experience - I have learned a lot about the company and the industry while working with some amazing people!
Thank you for all your support!
Speaking of stitching...the other evening I worked on my Family Sampler and have started to stitch the characters that make up my family...starting with our 90 pound mutt. As soon as I finish the pooch I will definitely post a status photo.
Oh, I have to show you something...
Do you know what that is? It is a 1/2 of sweet onion in a ziploc plactic bag. I used 1/2 of it last week when I grilled burgers, for my DH loves raw onions on his cheese burger. After dinner I put the other 1/2 in the bag and over the weekend it started to grow. We are thinking of planting it in dirt and see what happens. Interesting, huh?
And speaking of experiments...have any of you heard of the tv show MythBusters? It is a show on the Discovery Channel. While I had never heard of it, my sons have watch an episode of two and told me that in each episode they do different experiements to bust different myths - most experiments have something to do with explosives. Well, due to an unfortunate situation I found out that Myth Busters shot most of their episodes less than a mile away from our house at the local county police rifle range and the local army base. This week the show was going to see what kind of cannon ball - either steel or stone - would actually penatrate the wall of a castle that would have been built back in the middle ages.
Well, the cannon misfired...the cannonball traveled down the hill they were on...into a neighbors front door...bounced up the stairs and out the back wall..traveled across a busy street and landed in another neighbors minivan.
The exit hole of the cannon ball. |
Please know that no one was hurt!!! Of course the neighborhood was in a buzz...between all the emergency services that afternoon - cops, firetrucks - as well as helicopters and, of course, tv camera crews. It is probably the most exciting thing that has gone on in our sleepy little city.
That is about all the news from here, my blogging friends. It is time for me to wrap up this post so that I can get things around, run to the grocery store to make sure that there is food in the house for my DH and DS Robert who will be here over the until next time, take care and remember...
Live, Love, Laugh and Stitch often!