Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sweet Saturday

The rain clouds have disappeared and the sun is shining today. With no hockey practice or game on the agenda for today, we will probably try and get outside for a walk or something. However, Matthew has to put together his science project board for it is due next week. I just realized as I typed that sentence that this will be the last science project board (for elementary school) that we will have to deal with.

A quicky note on the stitching front...I received Cindy's Friendship Sampler RR in the mail yesterday. Cindy has stayed true to the colors called for by the pattern - it is beautiful. I worked on it last night as I watched Princess Bride and the boys (DH included) were playing some sort of computer game that where they can all interact with eachother. I plan to finish it up this weekend so that I can get it back in the mail and keep it moving. While many of the Friendship Samplers have made it home, there are still a handful that are on their last leg of the journey and I don't want to hold anyone's up. Other than that, I am plugging away at the ornament for Lisa V, "A Walk in the Park" tribute to my sister's dog...with hopes to finish up those asap so that I can bring out Mary for a little bit before more exchanges need to be stitched.

Have a wonderful Saturday my friends! And remember...Live, Love, Laugh and Stitch often - Lisa


Kathy A. said...

Wow, girl you turned that out quick.

Branlaadee said...

Sounds like a nice Saturday for you! Your RR turned out beautiful. You finished it up quick.