Post # 491-494 and 6 more days until the giveaway drawing.
If you haven't entered yet, I posted the information on the left hand side and "click" on the link, which will take you to the right post to enter your comment for the upcoming drawing.
Post #491 - Weekend RecapThe weekend went well for me, at home with Robert (
older son), and DH & Matthew (
younger son) down in LA. I worked in the store on Saturday and got Robert around for his hockey activities on Sunday.
Down in LA, DH & Matthew had a great time. Matthew played well in all three of his hockey games - scored a goal in all three games...but unfortunately, the team lost 2 games and tied 1. But the scores were all very close. Aside from hockey, they just had a great time being together, which as I said in the last post it has been a long time since DH has stepped away from the store and travelled for a hockey weekend with either of the boys. It was funny, though, when Matthew listed the few times that he "missed his mommy".
The first time was just during the games for there was no one cheering from the stands. In fact, he said, the stands were silent (
that is sad). The second time he missed me was when they went to the Olive Garden for dinner...mommy wasn't there to cut his speghitti noodles. This issue, I have to say is very sad, for he is 12.5 years old and it is time for him to cut his own noodles...don't you think?
Post #492 - The Business
In the wonderful comments on my last "catch up" post, Kaye asked "What sort of store do you own?" My husband and I own 2
Edible Arrangement franchise stores - the business that creates fruit arrangements that look like flower arrangements and boxes of chocolate dipped fruit (
like strawberries, bananas, oranges, pineapple, and apples). Below is one of the popular arrangements this week as we gear up for Thanksgiving.
It looks like we will be cutting out a lot of pineapple leaves and dipping them in chocolate over the next few days. As well as, making a lot of cinamon chocolate apple wedges.
Today, tomorrow and Thanksgiving I will be working up at our 2nd store location while DH holds down the 1st location. Before anyone asks..."yes" DH and I are working Thanksgiving Day. We give all our employees the day off and we work the store from 8-12 for pick ups only (
normally we deliver, but on holidays such as this when we give all our employees the day off we just do "pick up" only). When the last pick up is gone, we each will lock up the doors and meet at home...where we will enjoy our Thanksgiving meal!
Post #493 - Thanksgiving Baking
Yesterday, as I was driving around doing errands (
for I had the day off from both Part Time job and working in a store) I realized that if I don't get my Thanksgiving shopping done or get the pumpkin pies made I won't have any other chance this week. So after running the car to get it's overdue oil change, I hit the grocery store and gathered up all the Thanksgiving necessities - Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green beans, etc. It is going to be a small T-giving this year as Robert (
my older son) will be away for a hockey tournament.
Anyway...once home and the groceries unpacked I started immediately on my pie you make your own pie crust or do you purchase "already" made? I have always made my own. It has been a tradition in my household to use homemade pie dough. Back when I was a little girl, it was tradition for my great-grandmother to make the dough and the pumpkin pies. I still remember walking downstairs to the kitchen mid-morning and hearing her curse the dough - "Damn dough, it is too sticky!" or "Damn dough, it keeps breaking a part and the pies are going to look ugly!" After a few "damns" you would soon hear my uncle or my mother in the next room saying - "LaLa's making her pies now, best to stay out of the kitchen." My dough recipe comes from the Bylery's cook book (
Bylery's is a grocery store in Minnesota) and is simply Crisco, flour, egg, vinegar and a little water.
Once the dough is made, rolled out and fitted to the is the pumpkin pie filling. I have my great-grandmother LaLa's recipe; however, since I don't eat the pie I follow my husband's mother's recipe. LaLa's had a lot of eggs in hers, plus spices & the pumpkin pie filling - which comes out almost like a custard. DH's family's recipe calls for Kyro syrup, only 3 eggs, evaporated milk, pumpkin pie filling and spices. So, here is the pie...

Behind the pie are loaves of Strawberry bread, which I also baked yesterday. In our stores, when we prep the strawberries, we toss aside the smaller "unacceptable" ones which usually end up coming home with me. Some of the strawberries I grind up and make into smoothies...however, because we are coming up to long hours at the store, I decided to whip up some strawberry bread to take in and share with our wonderful employees. I made 2 batches of the bread - one that has only strawberries and one that has strawberries and a little bit of crushed Almonds. If interested in trying something new, here is the recipe for Strawberry Bread:
STRAWBERRY BREAD - from Food to Go Cookbook
3 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. cinnamon
2 cups sugar
4 eggs, well beaten
1-1/4 cup oil
2 (10oz) pkgs frozen strawberries, thawed...I used fresh & chopped them up
1-1/4 cup chopped pecans (optional)...I used some almonds in one batch
1/4 cup strawberry jam
Mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and sugar (I also added a little vanilla and ginger to my recipe, just to give it a little extra lovin'). Add eggs, oil, stawberries, pecans and jam. Blend. Pour batter into 2 well greased 5x9-inch loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Post #494 - a little stitching
So over the weekend, while in the rinks on Sunday I did get in a few stitches on my Family Sampler. Since it has been a long time since I posted a photo, I decided to show you my status...but I must apologize for the photo - I grabbed the camera, but it appears that the batteries were stolen out of it by some teenage boys for their computer mouses; so I was left with my phone camera. Here is a status phone photo:
It is dark, but I hope that you can see that I am almost finished with the Clay Pot flower buds that go around the border...there are 2-1/2 more to stitch on the left hand side and then there are 3 more corners to fill in. I did one of the corners the other day to see what it looked like, but decided that I wanted to finish the flower buds first before filling in the corners. I don't know why I decided that - guess it was just a factor of trying to keep the focus on using the color Clay Pot.
Well that should bring us all up to date on things here. I hope that your week is going well. Until next time, remember...
Live, Love, Laugh and Stitch often