Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ready to go...

I'm up and going this morning in the wee hours of a new day. Up at 2am in order to get in a good spin on my stationary bike before heading off to the airport.

Monday I made contact with Matthew's host family in Quebec and they sound wonderful. I know he is going to have a great time there! And I am looking forward to my time there as well. Yesterday I didn't have to go into the store and was able to focus on getting ready to go...well, somewhat...

I received a phone call from my mother regarding my 93 year old grandmother. It sounds like she had some type of stroke sometime Monday evening or Tuesday. She was found lying on the floor by her best friend on Wednesday morning. My grandmother lives in South Carolina by herself (grandpa passes away a little over 2 years ago) but has a plethora of friends! She was taken to the hospital by an ambulance. My uncle who lives in North Carolina immediately drove down there. He is the only closest relative, the rest of us are scattered thought the US.

Anyway while trying to focus on packing and organizing things at home for DH and Robert while I am away, I felt like a huge black cloud was hanging over my head. My mother updated me throughout the day, giving me updates on grandmas prognosis. This help immensely especially since things weren't as bad as they could have been.

I found out she experienced a "bleeder" on the left lower side of her head, which is something that could happened to anyone not just the elderly. And it kind of sounded like a "bleeder" could be better than a clot, for the body can work to heel itself in this situation. Anyway, it has affected her speech and right side, but by the evening she was talking a little and starting to move her right foot. Which was the good news I received yesterday evening before going to bed. My prayers and positive thoughts continue for my grandmother!

My grandmother is like a second mother to me! Growing up in Kansas, we use to go to their house when they lived in St. Louis, MO a lot. We were together for all the important holidays...Thanksgiving at our house, Christmas at theirs. When we moved to Minnesota, grandma and grandpa would drive up every June when grandpa had to go to the toy fair (he worked for Kenner Toys, which is now Mattel. Pretty cool having a grandpa who was a toy salesman when I was a kid!). After the toy fair was over, they would take me and my sisters back to their house and my parents would fly down to get us a week later. When I went to college, I attended one in St. Louis. I stayed in the dorms, but found myself at my grandparents house many times for a wonderful home cooked meal and free laundry service ;). My grandparents moved to South Carolina 20 or so years ago.

Grandma has always been a sounding board for me. I share so many of my thoughts and feelings with her...and she is not shy to share her thoughts too! She has always reminded me of both Dr. Ruth and Betty White! Spunky women who are not afraid to say how they feel!

Dear God...please watch over grandma, she still has some living to do!

Well, it is time to go and get Matthew around for breakfast before we leave for the airport.

Take care my friends! Until next time, remember...

Live, Love, Laugh and Stitch often,


CalamityJr said...

Enjoy your trip, Lisa, and we'll help you pray for Grandma! She sounds like a very special lady.

Cole said...

Best wishes & prayers for your grandma and your family. Enjoy your trip!

cucki said...

enjoy your trip deary..
lots of love and prayers for your grand ma..
big hugs xxx

valerie said...

Safe travels Lisa! Hope your Grandma makes a speedy recovery!

Catherine said...

Safe journey! Prayers for your Grandma!